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6 Things to Consider Before Opening Your Organic Shop


Organic produce has never been more popular than it is today. More and more people are waking up and realizing that the pesticides and chemicals used to cultivate fruit and vegetables should be avoided. Produce that is farmed organically is not exposed to the same pesticides and chemicals, meaning it is better for the body. If you are interested in starting an organic food store, now’s the best time in human history. You can make a fortune selling organic fruit and veg. This post will explore this topic in more detail and tell you about six things you need to consider before formally opening your store

1. Building Your Store Yourself

You don’t necessarily have to buy a brick-and-mortar location that has already served as a store for previous businesses in the past. It is entirely possible to buy land and build your store yourself. If you are farming the produce you are selling, build a small store on the land you farm with. If you have no formal experience in architecture, you aren’t going to be able to design the blueprints for your new business venture. So it’s better to hire a commercial architect to do the planning work for you. If you are buying land, try to get a good deal. Enlist the help of a real estate agent if you aren’t confident negotiating land deals yourself. You will obviously need the help of a construction firm as well.

2. Selecting Produce to Sell

What kind of produce are you going to sell? Some businesses sell fruit exclusively, while others sell a mix of fruit and vegetables. Truthfully, the latter option is best if you want to make a meaningful impact on your local community and get more sales. Offering fruit and vegetables saves people the hassle of having to go out and buy food from the grocery store. Also worth noting is that by selling meat, you further eliminate the need for locals to go to the supermarket.  Make sure that the meat you sell is fully and traceably organic. Finding organic meat should not be hard to do as it’s everywhere nowadays. Make sure you find a reliable supplier to deal with, for reasons that will be mentioned later on.

3. Consider Serving Hot Food

Keeping in line with the previous section, you might also want to consider serving hot food. Turning your grocery store into a café can be an extremely effective way to attract customers. You can also transform your store into a community hub by doing this. One of the biggest advantages of your store becoming a place for locals to hang out is that they’ll naturally buy products from you and support your business. You will need a lot of space internally to build a restaurant as well as a store, though. An architect will be able to help you do this from scratch, factoring a kitchen, seating area, and store into your building’s design. You may want to enlist the help of a chef if you plan on serving hot food. Enlisting a chef will make it much easier for you to ensure that the food served is delicious and well-presented.


4. Offering Online Services

In addition to opening a brick-and-mortar location, consider opening an online store. Online businesses have never been more popular than they are today. Consumers seldom turn to high streets and city centers when they are searching for products or services to buy. Often, they load their computers up and use search engines to find what they need. While it is definitely a good idea to have a brick-and-mortar location for your organic food shop, having an online store is also worth doing. The purpose of building an online store can be very difficult so you may want to enlist the help of a professional web design agency. A web design agency will be able to build your site from scratch for you, allowing you to focus on the daily management of your physical location. Make sure that you only work with agencies that have positive online reviews and good reputations.

5. Working with Reliable Suppliers

You need to make sure that you partner with reliable, trustworthy suppliers. When you are selling food, you need to know that the produce you are buying is what it is advertised as and high-quality. Organic produce tends to be a lot more expensive than traditionally grown fruit and veg. This is because a lot more work has to go into deterring pests. When you are growing fruit and vegetables with fertilizers and chemicals, you don’t need to have so much involvement. There is also a much greater risk of harvests being lost to infestation. However, because organic produce is more expensive, consumers expect it to be grown to a higher standard than ordinary produce they would buy from their local supermarket. You need to make sure that you meet your customer’s expectations and deliver quality food that they cannot find anywhere else. A good way to tell if a supplier is worth working with is to read their reviews. A supplier’s reviews will tell you everything you need to know about them.

6. Build a Sense of Community

If you want to make a lot of money and benefit your local area, try and turn your business into a communal hub. It should become a space where people can come and sit without any compulsion to buy anything. That said, by selling fresh produce and expanding your offerings to hot food, you are bound to make sales if people come and hang out in your store. Building a sense of community is without a doubt one of the most effective ways of ensuring your business stays relevant and attracts people’s interest. Make sure that you make an active effort to advertise the benefits of organic produce to customers so that they understand why they should start doing business with you.

Do you want to open an organic food shop? If so, consider the points made here. The advice given in this article will help you to transform your store from an idea you have been toying with into a commercial success.






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ToolMates Hire is a new start-up tech company based in Sydney’s inner-west. This is a platform for people to share their tools from the comfort of their own homes. After months of development dating back to November 2015, the site was finally ready for release to the public.

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