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Bond Clean: The Ultimate Guide to Getting Your Bond Back


Bond cleaning is a term that is often used in the real estate industry, especially when tenants are moving out of a rental property. It is a comprehensive cleaning process that aims to restore the property to its original condition before the tenant moved in. Bond cleaning is also known as end-of-lease cleaning or exit cleaning. It is a crucial step for tenants to get their bond deposit back from the landlord.


Understanding bond cleaning in Hobart is important for tenants who are moving out of a rental property. It involves a thorough cleaning of the entire property, including the floors, walls, ceilings, windows, and fixtures. Tenants need to ensure that the property is free from any dirt, dust, stains, and debris. They also need to repair any damages to the property that were caused during their tenancy. Bond cleaning is a time-consuming and challenging task that requires special skills and equipment.

Key Takeaways

  • Bond cleaning is a comprehensive cleaning process that aims to restore a rental property to its original condition before the tenant moved in.
  • Tenants need to have a clear understanding of bond cleaning requirements to ensure that they get their bond deposit back from the landlord.
  • Bond cleaning is a time-consuming and challenging task that requires special skills and equipment.

Understanding Bond Cleaning

Definition and Purpose

Bond cleaning, also known as end-of-lease cleaning, is a thorough cleaning of a rental property that is performed at the end of a tenant’s lease. Its purpose is to restore the property to its original condition when first moved in, allowing the landlord to release the tenant’s security deposit. The cleaning process involves deep cleaning of every nook and cranny of the property, including carpets, walls, windows, and appliances.

Legal Requirements

In most states and territories in Australia, landlords are legally required to provide tenants with a clean and safe property at the beginning of their tenancy. At the end of the lease, tenants are expected to return the property in the same condition, minus fair wear and tear. Failure to do so can result in the landlord withholding some or all of the tenant’s security deposit.

Expectations from Landlords

Landlords have high expectations when it comes to bond cleaning. They expect the property to be cleaned to a professional standard, with no trace of the tenant’s occupancy. This means that the property should be free of dirt, dust, and grime, with all appliances, fixtures, and fittings left in their original condition. Any damages or repairs required should also be taken care of by the tenant before the final inspection.


To ensure a smooth and hassle-free bond cleaning process, tenants are advised to engage professional cleaning services. Professional cleaners have the necessary skills, experience, and equipment to perform a thorough cleaning of the property, leaving it in pristine condition for the next tenant.


Bond cleaning is an essential part of the rental process and requires careful attention to detail. Tenants who take the time to perform a thorough cleaning of the property are more likely to receive their full security deposit back.

Preparing for a Bond Clean

Before starting a bond clean, it is essential to create a checklist to ensure that all areas of the property are cleaned thoroughly. This checklist should point ut the tasks, like dusting and vacuuming, mopping, and cleaning the kitchen and bathroom. The checklist should be organized by room to make it easier to follow and ensure that nothing is missed.

Checklist Creation

To create a comprehensive checklist, it is recommended to refer to professional bond cleaning checklists available online. These checklists are designed to cover all areas of the property and ensure that nothing is overlooked. It is also essential to take note of any specific cleaning requirements outlined in the lease agreement.

Scheduling and Timing

Scheduling and timing are crucial when preparing for a bond clean. It is recommended to schedule the bond clean a few days before the final inspection to allow time for any touch-ups or additional cleaning that may be required. It is also important to allocate enough time for the bond clean to ensure that everything is completed to a high standard.

Supplies and Equipment Needed

Before starting the bond clean, it is important to gather all the necessary supplies and equipment. This may include cleaning products, mops, brooms, vacuum cleaners, and sponges. It is recommended to use high-quality cleaning products to ensure that the property is cleaned thoroughly and to avoid causing any damage to surfaces. It is also important to wear appropriate clothing and protective gear, such as gloves and masks, to avoid exposure to harmful chemicals or allergens.


By following these guidelines, the bond clean can be completed efficiently and effectively, ensuring that the property is left in the same condition as at the start of the tenancy.

Executing the Bond Clean

When it comes to bond cleaning, executing the process correctly is crucial to ensure that the property is left in pristine condition. Here are the steps to follow when executing the bond clean:

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Begin by decluttering the property and removing any personal belongings.
  2. Dust and wipe down all surfaces, including countertops, shelves, and furniture.
  3. Vacuum and mop all floors, paying special attention to corners and edges.
  4. Clean all windows and mirrors using a glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth.
  5. Deep clean all bathrooms, including the sink, toilet, shower, and bathtub.
  6. Clean the kitchen thoroughly, including the stove, oven, refrigerator, and cabinets.
  7. Check all light fixtures and replace any burnt-out bulbs.
  8. Finally, perform a thorough inspection of the property to ensure that everything is in order.

Room-by-Room Guide

When executing the bond clean, it’s essential to clean each room thoroughly. Here’s a room-by-room guide to help you get started:

Living Room

  • Dust all surfaces, including shelves, tables, and picture frames.
  • Vacuum and mop the floors.
  • Clean all windows and mirrors.
  • Vacuum the upholstery and clean any stains.


  • Clean the stove, oven, and refrigerator.
  • Wipe down all countertops and cabinets.
  • Clean the sink and faucet.
  • Mop the floors.


  • Clean the shower, bathtub, and toilet.
  • Wipe down the sink and faucet.
  • Clean the mirror and any glass surfaces.
  • Mop the floors.

Stain and Damage Handling

During the bond cleaning process, it’s essential to handle any stains or damages appropriately. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • For carpet stains, use a carpet cleaner and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • For wall stains, use a mild cleaning solution and a soft cloth.
  • For damages, such as holes in the wall, it’s best to hire a professional to repair them.

By following these guidelines and executing the bond clean correctly, you can ensure that the property is left in pristine condition and increase your chances of getting your bond back.

Professional Bond Cleaning Services

Bond cleaning, also known as end-of-lease cleaning, is an essential part of the moving process. It is a thorough cleaning of the rental property before the tenant moves out, with the aim of getting the property back to the original condition. While some people prefer to do the cleaning themselves, hiring professional bond cleaners can be a great option for those who want to ensure that the job is done correctly.

Hiring Professionals

Hiring professional bond cleaners can save tenants time and hassle, as well as ensure that the property is cleaned to a high standard. Professional cleaners have the necessary cleaning tools and equipment and are experienced in handling all types of cleaning tasks. They also have access to cleaning products that are not readily available to the general public.


When hiring professional bond cleaners, it is essential to do research and choose a reputable company. Look for companies that have positive reviews and a track record of providing high-quality services. It is also a good idea to get quotes from several companies to compare prices and services.

Cost Estimates

The cost of professional bond cleaning services can vary depending on the size of the property, the level of cleaning required, and the location. On average, the cost of bond cleaning can range from $200 to $1000. It is essential to get a detailed quote from the cleaning company before hiring them to avoid any surprises.

Service Comparisons

When comparing bond cleaning services, it is essential to consider the level of service provided. Some companies offer basic cleaning services, while others offer more comprehensive services that include things like carpet cleaning, window cleaning, and oven cleaning. It is also important to consider the cleaning products used by the company and whether they are environmentally friendly.


Overall, hiring professional bond cleaners can be an excellent option for tenants who want to ensure that their rental property is cleaned to a high standard. When choosing a cleaning company, it is important to do research, get quotes, and compare services to ensure that you get the best value for your money.

DIY Bond Cleaning Tips

Cleaning a rental property at the end of the lease can be a daunting task. However, with the right techniques and strategies, it can be done effectively and efficiently. Here are some DIY bond cleaning tips to help you get your security deposit back.

Effective Cleaning Techniques

To ensure a thorough clean, it is important to use effective cleaning techniques. This includes starting from the top and working your way down, using the right cleaning products for each surface, and paying attention to the details. For example, using a microfiber cloth can help to pick up more dust and dirt than a regular cloth. Additionally, using a squeegee on shower doors can help to remove water spots.

Time-Saving Strategies

Cleaning a rental property can be time-consuming, but there are some strategies that can help to save time. One such strategy is to declutter before cleaning. This can help to make the cleaning process faster and more efficient. Another time-saving strategy is to use a cleaning checklist to ensure that no areas are missed.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

There are some common mistakes that people make when cleaning a rental property. One such mistake is neglecting hard-to-reach areas such as behind appliances or under furniture. Another mistake is using harsh cleaning products that can damage surfaces. It is important to read the labels of cleaning products and use them as directed. Finally, leaving rubbish and clutter behind can result in a deduction from your security deposit.


By using these DIY bond cleaning tips, you can ensure that your rental property is cleaned effectively and efficiently, and you can get your security deposit back.

Post-Cleaning Actions

After completing the bond clean, there are a few post-cleaning actions that renters should take to ensure a smooth transition out of the property. These actions include inspection readiness, bond refund process, and dispute resolution.

Inspection Readiness

Before leaving the property, renters should ensure that the property is inspection-ready. This means that the property should be clean and tidy, and all the items in the rental agreement should be in their original condition. Renters should also make sure that all the keys and remotes are returned to the landlord or property manager.

Bond Refund Process

After the inspection, if the property is found to be in satisfactory condition, the bond refund process can begin. The landlord or property manager will refund the bond money to the renter. This process can take up to two weeks, depending on the rental agreement and the property manager’s policies.

Dispute Resolution

If there is a dispute over the bond refund, renters can contact the relevant authority, such as the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) in Queensland, to help resolve the issue. The RTA provides a free dispute resolution service to help renters and landlords resolve disputes related to bond refunds.


In conclusion, renters should take these post-cleaning actions seriously to ensure a smooth and hassle-free transition out of the rental property. By being inspection-ready, understanding the bond refund process, and knowing how to resolve disputes, renters can avoid any unnecessary stress and complications.

Maintenance Between Cleans

To ensure that the property stays in good condition between bond cleans, it is important to implement regular upkeep tips and spot cleaning advice. This will not only help to maintain the property’s cleanliness but also reduce the amount of time and effort required for the next bond clean.

Regular Upkeep Tips

Implementing a few simple cleaning habits can go a long way in keeping the property clean and tidy. Here are some regular upkeep tips to consider:

  • Daily Cleaning: Encourage tenants to clean up after themselves on a daily basis. This includes wiping down surfaces, sweeping or vacuuming floors, and doing dishes.
  • Weekly Cleaning: Schedule a weekly deep clean of the property. This includes tasks such as dusting, mopping, and cleaning bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Decluttering: Encourage tenants to declutter regularly. This not only keeps the property tidy but also reduces the amount of cleaning required.

Spot Cleaning Advice

Spot cleaning refers to cleaning up spills and stains as soon as they occur. This prevents them from setting and becoming more difficult to remove. Here are some spot cleaning advice to consider:

  • Act Fast: The key to spot cleaning is to act fast. The longer a spill or stain sits, the more difficult it becomes to remove.
  • Blot, Do Not Rub: When cleaning a spill, blot with a paper towel or cloth. Rubbing can push the stain deeper into the fabric or carpet fibers.
  • Use the Suitable Products: Use the appropriate cleaning products for the surface being cleaned. For example, use a carpet cleaner for carpet spills and a wood cleaner for wood surfaces.

By implementing these regular upkeep tips and spot cleaning advice, tenants can help maintain the cleanliness of the property between bond cleans.

Eco-Friendly Bond Cleaning

Bond cleaning is an essential part of moving out, and it’s also an opportunity to make sustainable choices. Eco-friendly bond cleaning is a growing trend, and it’s not hard to see why. By using green cleaning products and sustainable practices, tenants can reduce their environmental impact and promote a healthier home.

Green Cleaning Products

Green cleaning products are an excellent choice for bond cleaning. They are made from natural, non-toxic ingredients that are safe for the environment and people. They are also effective at cleaning and disinfecting, making them a great alternative to traditional cleaning products.


Some popular green cleaning products include:

  • Vinegar: A natural disinfectant that can clean and deodorize surfaces.
  • Baking soda: A natural abrasive that can scrub away tough stains and grime.
  • Castile soap: A vegetable-based soap that can be used for general cleaning and laundry.
  • Essential oils: Natural fragrances that can add a fresh scent to cleaning products.

Using green cleaning products is not only better for the environment, but it can also be better for your health. Traditional cleaning products can contain harmful chemicals that can cause respiratory problems, skin irritation, and other health issues.

Sustainable Practices

Sustainable practices are another important aspect of eco-friendly bond cleaning. By adopting sustainable practices, tenants can reduce waste and conserve resources.


Some sustainable practices to consider include:

  • Using reusable cleaning cloths instead of disposable paper towels.
  • Recycling or properly disposing of cleaning product containers.
  • Conserving water by turning off the tap while scrubbing surfaces.
  • Using a vacuum with a HEPA filter to reduce indoor air pollution.

In addition to reducing waste and conserving resources, sustainable practices can also save tenants money in the long run. For example, using a reusable cleaning cloth instead of a paper towel can save money on cleaning supplies over time.


Overall, eco-friendly bond cleaning is a great way to promote sustainability and reduce your environmental impact. By using green cleaning products and sustainable practices, tenants can create a healthier home and a healthier planet.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a bond clean typically involve?

A bond clean, also known as an end-of-lease clean, is a thorough cleaning of a rental property before the tenant moves out. It involves cleaning all rooms and surfaces in the property to ensure that it is left in a clean and tidy condition for the next tenant. Bond cleaning typically includes cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, living areas, bedrooms, and other areas of the property. It may also include tasks such as carpet cleaning, window cleaning, and pest control.

How much does a professional bond cleaning service cost?

The cost of a professional bond cleaning service can vary depending on the size of the property and the level of cleaning required. According to Absolute Domestics, a professional bond cleaning service for a standard two-bedroom apartment can cost between $250-$550. However, prices may be higher for larger properties or if additional services are required.

What items are included on a bond cleaning checklist?

A bond cleaning checklist typically includes a list of tasks that must be completed to ensure that the property is left in a clean and tidy condition. According to A to Z Cleaning Services, a typical bond cleaning checklist may include tasks such as cleaning the oven, stove, and range hood, wiping down all surfaces, cleaning the bathroom and toilet, vacuuming and mopping floors, and dusting all surfaces. The checklist may also include additional tasks such as cleaning windows, walls, and carpets.

How can I find reputable bond cleaning services in my area?

To find reputable bond cleaning services in your area, you can start by asking for recommendations from friends, family, or your real estate agent. You can also search online for local bond cleaning services and read reviews from previous customers. It is important to choose a reputable and experienced cleaning service to ensure that the job is done thoroughly and to a high standard.

Are window cleanings included in standard bond cleaning packages?

According to Bond Cleaning Chermside, window cleaning may or may not be included in standard bond cleaning packages. It is important to check with the cleaning service to determine what is included in their standard package and whether additional services are required.

What steps can I take to ensure a thorough bond clean myself?

If you choose to clean the property yourself, there are several steps you can take to ensure a thorough bond clean. According to Gold Coast Bond Clean, these steps may include creating a checklist of tasks to be completed, using high-quality cleaning products and equipment, and paying close attention to detail. It is also important to allow enough time to complete the cleaning thoroughly and to avoid rushing the job.






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