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How to clean hardwood floors – guest post by Jimmy Phan


It is a significant investment to choose hardwood floors for your home. No matter how expensive this type of flooring is, it is still acquiring constant beating. Just imagine it getting all the dirt from your furnishing, shoes, and pets. You keep on walking over it without being concerned about its finish that fades gradually. If you do not maintain the proper condition of your hardwood floors, the interior of your home will also be affected. You should exert as much effort as possible in keeping your floors spotless. There are means of doing so, which will be explained by the excerpt below:

Prepare All the Materials. It is imperative to begin your task with the preparation of materials necessary for carrying out the cleaning. You should at least have a vacuum, bucket of water, mop, dry fabric, and trusted wood cleaner.

In case you cannot find a vacuum, why not rent one from ToolMates Hire? Borrowing tools will be much easier than pushing your existing machines to work after being idle for years. This could result in worse damage to your floors.

Make the Floor. Before proceeding to the wiping the floor with dampened cloth and cleaner, you should begin with the basic sweeping and removal of dust. If you leave debris or dirt on your floor before wiping, these could scratch the floor.  Also, remember that dust composition is more than dirt; it also consists of hair, animal dander, fungi, dust mites, and bacteria among others.

Use a Vacuum. In case you prefer to own a vacuum than rent one, you may check out  vacuum models online. Normally, vacuuming is best done weekly. It eliminates remaining dirt that your broom or cleaning fabric has not cleared. Moreover, this tool is ideal for cleaning difficult to reach spaces.

There is also caution in using a vacuum, especially if it has a beater bar. Ensure that this component will not hit the floor, resulting in damage.

Try a Mop Instead. If you are not a fan of vacuuming, a mop is also a great tool to clean your floor. Just make sure you have the right mixture of cleaner. Dampen it with a formulation of water and dish soap. Run it back and forth using smooth movements. In case your floor has shellac varnish, do not use water to prevent staining. There are solutions you should avoid that can dull your floorings, such as vinegar, liquid chemicals, and wax.

It is considerable to find a commercial hardwood cleaning solution. You just have to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to wipe off whatever buildup there is on your flooring.

Nonetheless, the careful selection of a product must still be made, for not all formulations are indeed chemical-free as claimed.

Remember, you will only dampen the mop and not spill the water onto the entire hardwood. Otherwise, water will seep into the floor seams, causing buildup and unlikely movements. You will notice in the installation of hardwood floors that its strips are only fitted. Thus, there are still narrow gaps where liquid can pass through.

Wipe the Floor With Soft Cloth. After mopping the floor, you should make it shine. Using a soft cloth will do the trick. It can eliminate the soapy residues from the wood’s surface. Follow a circular and gentle motion when doing this.

In case the cleaning you have carried out did not reveal the best condition of your hardwood, you can consider alternatives, such as the following:

Polish the Floor Instead. If your soft cloth does not eliminate the scratches or even out the protective surface of your hardwood floor, try polishing. This may be done every few months, but this is a good last step to cleaning your flooring.

You can create a polish by mixing natural ingredients. For instance, you can combine lemon juice, olive oil, and distilled water vinegar. The combination of the concoction will nourish your wooden floor without causing unwanted buildup.

Sand for Deep Cleaning. There are cases that your floor may still suffer from gouges despite weekly cleaning using a vacuum. Sanding may already be necessary to repair this kind of damage. You can verify this by putting a few drops of water on the flooring. If the liquid seeps into the surface immediately, refinishing is necessary.  Otherwise, you can settle with the steps provided above.

Primarily, you need corner sander, sandpaper, edge sander, floor drum sander, kneepads, gloves, goggles, and a dust mask for the process. Then, you should begin with the drum sander to refinish the floor by following a single direction. Next, you use the edging sander, which will be followed by corner sander. Lastly, clean the flooring with any of the top vacuums for hardwood.

This will remove any residue of sanding on the floor, or you may prefer using a dampened sponge to wipe the wood.

With proper care, you can make your hardwood last for decades. Simply follow the cleaning regime as regularly as possible.

Author Bio: Jimmy loves sharing his knowledge on Woodworking and Home Improvement techniques at Air Tool Guy. Follow his blog for more tips and tricks of tools around the house.






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