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Prepping Your House For Winter: A Guide For Melbourne Homeowners 


For those who would rather live in a never ending summer, the approaching Melbourne winter might fill you with dread. Right now, our homes are warm, dry and cosy, our sanctuaries from the cold and wet. But when the autumn rain kicks in, we can expect plenty of damp to creep into our abodes all the way until springtime.


But as the days slowly grow shorter and the nights become cooler, now is the ideal time to start preparing your home for months ahead. Continue reading to discover essential tips for keeping your home warm and dry this winter.

Keeping Things Warm

You’re in for a very unpleasant time if your home heating system is inefficient, or stops working altogether. At the very least, it is recommended that your heaters be serviced annually. If your system uses natural gas to function, servicing should be done more frequently.


If your home has ducted heating in the ceiling, or gas or hydronic underfloor heating, you will need a plumber in Melbourne to service or install a system. They will identify any interruptions in air-flow, check ventilation and efficiency, and test the pilot light. As natural gas can be highly dangerous, regular maintenance by an authorised plumber or technician is essential to keeping your home safe and warm.


Reverse-cycle systems are easier to maintain than gas-based heating types. It is generally easy to clean the filters yourself as they are often removable. Dirty filters reduce the amount of warm air that is able to pass through into the room, and can also create health issues. If your heater loses efficiency, starts making unusual noises or emits a foul smell, it needs immediate servicing.

Ceiling fans have become increasingly popular in Melbourne over the past decade. As the temperature drops, switch the fans to the winter setting and run them on low speed to help circulate warm air. Regularly wipe the blades as they quickly accumulate dust.

Hot Water Check-up

Unless you’re a fan of cold water immersion therapies, having an efficient hot water system in the depths of winter is a must. Whether you have the more common electric, gas or even solar storage tank hot water system, a continuous flow heater, or a heat pump system, your heater should be serviced yearly.


A general health check determines how well the unit is functioning and identifies signs of damage. Systems that rely on tanks of water being heated are vulnerable to corrosion and require annual flushing to prevent sediment damaging the tanks. A technician will also look for leaks or loose connections and will check the thermostat, heating element, and pressure.


Regular maintenance of your hot water system will reduce the likelihood of serious faults, and an autumn service can identify and fix vulnerable areas before the cold weather really kicks in. You don’t want to find yourself with no hot water in the middle of winter so a summer or autumn tank and system servicing should be a priority every year when it comes to preparing your home for the rainy season.

Clean Your Gutters


Gutters are designed to collect the rainwater running off roofs, channel it through downpipes and into domestic water tanks or storm water drains. Whilst our roof and street gutters are an excellent system for collecting rainwater run-off, there are a few issues that can arise if your gutters are not properly maintained.


Cleaning your gutters should be at the top of your winter prep list as leaves, twigs, bird poo and rubbish build up over time, creating blockages. If you don’t already have gutter guards, installing some will help reduce the amount of accumulated detritus, protecting the gutters from buckling under excessive weight.


Clogged gutters cause water to overflow which damages gardens, and can even cause roof and ceiling damage. Cleaning out the gutters at the beginning and end of winter is an easy way to prevent major issues. If you are intending to clean them yourself, use ladders as directed to ensure your safety.

Seal the Gaps

You might have the most efficient heating system available but still feel cold air creeping inside. Drafts come through the gaps between walls, windows, doors, floors and power outlets, draining the inside warmth and replacing it with outside air.


Gaps can be filled in a variety of ways. Weather stripping is often self-adhesive and is easily stuck along the gaps near windows and doors. Door sweeps and draft stoppers block the gaps at the bottom of doors, and caulking around skirting boards stops outside air leaking in.


Thermal curtains also aid in keeping cold air out and warm air in. If you are finding drafts after installing gap fillers and thermal curtains, you may need to replace old doors and windows that were not made to modern standards.


Staying cosy this coming winter should be a breeze if you ensure heating appliances are regularly serviced, your gutters are clean and unbroken, and no drafts are able to seep in through sneaky gaps.


Maintaining your home will also save you money as healthy appliances use less energy and prevent rapid deterioration which require expensive replacements or repairs. So get busy prepping now to relish in the comfort and warmth of your home this winter.






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Toolmates hire


ToolMates Hire is a new start-up tech company based in Sydney’s inner-west. This is a platform for people to share their tools from the comfort of their own homes. After months of development dating back to November 2015, the site was finally ready for release to the public.

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